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Ecoes of Compassion

“So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?”

(Ar-Rahman, 55:31)

Are you familiar with this verse?

This was repeated 31 times in Surah Ar-Rahman—a gift from Allah (s.w.t.) for those who believe. This surah captures the beauty of our Lord’s creations, which serves as a reminder to keep us rooted in our faith.

Life is made up of moments—good and bad, sweet and bitter. When a huge storm hits our roof, it’s easy to forget the shelter that has been protecting us all this while. And for that, we need to constantly be reminded of the blessings that we may have taken for granted.

Perhaps, it is time to open our eyes and realise that everything that we need has always been in front of us.

Are you ready to cherish the beauty of this surah and appreciate the God-given gifts that you already have?

Join us in Echoes of Compassion: Tafsir Surah Ar-Rahman by Dr Yasir Qadhi, as we analyse the beautiful chapter in the Qur’an to foster gratitude in our hearts.

June 29

Noble Sacrifice

July 14

Together for Children in Need